Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm back!

Hello, blogging world! I'm back. I've returned from Turkey, and it was one of the best weeks of my life. I'll write an entire blog post about it later, but for now I'll leave you with this: I survived a 5.9 earthquake, slept in five different hotels, spent nights on two continents, followed the missions of Paul, saw about 4 ancient theatres, read the scriptures, performed hymns in front of crowds of people, had Sacrament Meeting in a bar, made friends with Turkish people, and so much more.

But, for right now, I have FHE and tons of homework tonight, so I'll leave you with this. Our Rabbi swears it's legit. This is sometimes how I feel I want to be after learning so much about other religions. I really love Islam and Judaism. But I also love being a Mormon, so I'll probably stick with that. :)


  1. Yay!! Oh Jeff this sounds so adventurous and wonderful. I am so happy you guys are back safe. And sacrament meeting in a bar? Okay, cool.

  2. KERI. You don't even know. It was so fantastic. Take a look at my newest blog post, if you get a chance. I know it's super verbose, but it was amazing. I love you! I wish you could be here.
