Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I will conform to the ways of the Jerusalem Center and upload pictures. Because I know that's all you really look at my blog for.

I'm breaking rules by uploading things, but everyone else is doing it, so I'll follow the crowd. Haha. Enjoy! :)

My friends Ali, Meeshell, and me at the Garden Tomb. It was such a beautiful day:

Meeshell and me outside the Garden Tomb:

My friend Becca and me in Gethsemane. I decided I don't like pictures of myself alone. I keep taking them, but none of them look good. So generally I'll probably upload pictures of me with friends:

My friends Krystalee, Meeshell, Ariel, Troy, and myself wandering the Jewish Quarter:

My roommate Troy and myself re-enacting the Battle of Gibeon(?) where Joshua told the sun to stand still:

A picture from today, from our walk over the city of Jerusalem. My face in this picture is really weird! I don't think I was quite ready for the picture yet or something. Weird. But I like that the Dome of the Rock was in the background. Haha. These are my friends Lindsay, Skylar, Jeny, Jeehee, Julie, and myself:

And, finally, a picture of the sunset from my beautiful home, the Jerusalem Center:


  1. Looks like you're having a blast, Jefferson! I'm enjoying the blog.

  2. You're making me homesick. :)
